[ Questo primo post sarà aggiornato durante il corso del gioco per tenere traccia delle schede dei personaggi e altre statistiche. ]
Qui il link al Regolamento Completo, anche se a fine di questo post trovate un (comodo? ) riepilogo delle Mosse di gioco.
Avventurieri - - -
@AndreaParducci [Leader / Cartografo]
Reena, la scaltra furfante dai Bassifondi di Buriathi. -
Bartholomeus Crawn, risoluto arcanista umano dalla Schola di Abysmal.
Nemici - - -
- //
La Missione
Ci troviamo in una foresta dai molti alberi dove tutto sembra antico e senza tempo e la maggior parte degli abitanti sono mostri e abomini.
La nostra missione ci chiede di scoprire o trovare una creatura…
…e di andarcene da questo luogo ostile.
Navigation : 0
Discovery : 2
Peril : 1
Luce : 2
Razioni : 3
Strumenti : 3
Tesori : 0
Bartholomeus Crawn, risoluto arcanista umano dalla Schola di Abysmal.
The Arcanist knows about alchemy, occult lore and the secrets that come from below.
The Resolve of your will.
VITA : 4
- F/ManoSX : bastone ferrato (2h) (not usable 1h)
- F/ManoDX : Torcia
- S : armatura di scaglie di pesce abissale (leggermente sbavata)
- S : Strumenti (alambicchi e fiale)
- S : Strumenti
- S : falcetto seghettato
- S : maschera alchemica
- S : balestrino
- S : grimorio con su redatti antichi segreti e occulte verità
- S : Razioni
- S/L :
- S/L :
- Carabattole
- tunica purpurea e cappuccio scuro, scarpe chiodate con punta ricurva
- una bisaccia logora con un occhio non umano ricamato
Reena, la scaltra furfante umana dai Bassifondi di Buriathi.
The Scoundrel knows about traps, mechanisms and the shadows that lurk beyond the law.
The Cleverness of your thoughts.
VITA : 4
- F/ManoSX :
- F/ManoDX :
- S : cappa da viaggio robusta
- S : daga (dietro le reni)
- S : frusta (alla cintura)
- S : 1 bomba fumogena (tascapane)
- S : Luce
- S : Luce
- S : Razioni
- S : Strumenti
- S/L : Razioni
- S/L :
- Carabattole
- uniforme da viaggio, poco appariscente
- tasche comode sui pantaloni, lungo il torso, dietro la schiena
- un piccolo tascapane
Riepilogo inneschi delle Mosse
When you consult maps and notes to make sense of the area’s layout:
- say where you think you are and should go next
- get +1 Nav point
Go Watchfully
When you access a new section slowly, carefully and watchfully :
- Reveal Someplace
- Reveal Something, if it’s a Threat it is unaware
- You, and anyone able and willing, can be:
- just outside the new section
- already inside the new section
Delve Ahead
When you access a new section hastily, carelessly or heedlessly :
- You, and anyone able and willing, are already inside the new section
- Reveal Someplace
- Reveal Something
- if it’s a Threat it is aware + Enemy Reaction 4
- otherwise you can perform one extra Move in this Phase
When you look for something you need, say why it could be available here.
- If it makes no sense to some Player, it’s not here. Your Move is not spent.
- Otherwise, test ACE + Discovery.
- 1-4 = alas, there is none to be found
- 5 = there is enough, worth 1 Supply
- 6 = there is plenty, worth 2 Supply
- Then test ACE - Peril.
- 1-4 = Enemy Reaction
- 5 = something looks suspicious
- 6 = it all looks safe
When you investigate something with great caution or from a moderate distance, describe HOW you do it and test ACE + Discovery:
- 1-4 = ask one question
- 5 = ask two questions
- 6 = a discovery!
- ask two questions
- Reveal Something, if it’s a Threat it is unaware + Enemy Reaction 4
All answers are limited by HOW you acted.
When you investigate something by way of manipulation or from a close distance, describe HOW you do it and test ACE + Peril:
- 1-4 = a discovery!
- ask one question
- Reveal Something, if it’s a Threat it is aware + Enemy Reaction 4
- 5 = ask two questions
- 6 = ask three questions
All answers are limited by HOW you acted.
Help Others
When you act in support of someone else’s efforts:
- their fictional positioning improves accordingly
- in case of roll, they add 1d to their ACE pool
- you are exposed until your next round
Be Crafty
When you apply yourself to a creative task (build, repair, heal, brew, cook, strategise, etc) describe your actions and intent, then the Enemy chooses one:
You have all you need.
- +1 Peril.
- Use any relevant Item and Supply.
- Achieve your intent and, if appropriate, apply one effect:
- Remove 1 Injury or Exertion on yourself or another.
- Increase Life by 1 on yourself or another.
- Build, repair or modify something.
- Set up a situation or create an advantage.
You lack something to accomplish your goal: knowledge, tools, materials, time, etc.
- +1 Discovery.
- The Enemy specifies what exactly it is that you lack.
- Your move is not spent.
Face the Odds
When you act to overcome an obstacle or adversity by facing immediate pressure, risk or danger, say how you do it, then test ACE and describe:
- 1-4 = Little or no progress + Enemy Reaction
- 5 = Significant progress + Enemy Reaction
- 6 = Success!
Reveal Someplace
- Test Discovery to set the new segment as a Passage, an Area or a Place.
- Roll 1d on the appropriate sub-table to determine one core detail. You can:
- spend 1 Nav to re-roll
- spend 3 Nav to pick the outcome
- Roll 1d to set how many openings are obviously visible in addition to the one you just came through.
Use this information as inspiration to describe your surroundings, according to the Speaking Order.
1-3-5 = this PASSAGE is
1 ascending
2 descending
3 twisting
4 forking
5 unstable
6 obstructedDiscovery +1
2-4 = this AREA is
1 small
2 big
3 vast
4 luxurious
5 ruined
6 eerieDiscovery +1
6 = this PLACE offers a chance for
1 terror
2 weirdness
3 wonder
4 treasure
5 escape progress
6 quest progressDiscovery = 0
You came through an opening, and there are…
1 = 0
2-3 = 1
4-5 = 2
6 = 3+
…others plainly visible.
Reveal Something
- Test Peril on the table.
- Roll 1d on the appropriate sub-table to determine one core detail.
Use the results as inspiration to describe what has been found, according to the Speaking Order.
1-3-5 = ODDITY
A thing you notice is:
1 alluring
2 alarming
3 out of place
4 old
5 new
6 alivePeril +1
A thing in the way is:
1 natural
2 complex
3 manufactured
4 unnatural
5 architectural
6 alivePeril +1
A thing is dangerous:
1 architectural hazard
2 mechanical hazard
3 natural hazard
4 magic anomaly hazard
5 transient dweller + ER3
6 local denizen + ER3Peril = 0
Giocatori Ritirati
- @Davos
- Dhako Vosz, affascinante bruto umano detto il Macellaio del Voivodato.
Dhako Vosz, affascinante bruto umano noto come il Macellaio del Voivodato.
The Brute knows about violence, pain and the tools to administer them.
The Glamor of your ways.
VITA : 4
- F/ManoSX : Ascia
- F/ManoDX : Ascia
- S : Fascia di cuoio a X sul petto con piatto in metallo al centro istoriato con una croce.
- S : 1 Luce (Torcione da castello legato sulla schiena)
- S : 1 Razione
- S :
- S :
- S :
- S :
- S :
- S/L :
- S/L :
- Carabattole
- Gonnellino in pelle e pelo di orso Grizzly con cinturone, stivali in pelle marrone con grossi lacci neri alti fino ai polpacci.
- Il resto del corpo muscoloso è oliato e lucido per ampio uso di grasso di orso. Capelli biondi fluenti e ribelli.
- @Checco [Leader]
Aurwyr, resiliente cenobita umano di Rupelunata.
Aurwyr, resiliente cenobita umano di Rupelunata.
The Cenobite knows about herbs, healing and the truths that come from above.
The Resilience of your body.
VITA : 4
- F/ManoSX :
- F/ManoDX :
- S : Gambesone
- S : Mazzafrusto (1h)
- S : Coltellino interamente in betulla bianca per tagliare erbe e funghi
- S : 1 Razione
- S :
- S :
- S :
- S :
- S/L :
- S/L :
- Carabattole
- Tonaca monacale di panno ruvido blu oltremare; gli orli sono decorati con motivi di onde e spuma
- Cintura a bandoliera con sacchetti (carabattole)