Intendi che si contraddice nel non fare una mossa dura? non direi, visto che:
Sulla questione del fare una mossa dura o meno su un 6- in “Seize by force” scartabellando internet ho trovato un thread in cui Vincent ne parla esplicitamente:
Per comodità copio-incollo l’intervento rilevante:
Apocalypse World doesn't have hard MC moves, so you'll never find the rules for them in the text. Arguing from the text about when and how to make hard moves will never work out!
Here’s how to understand “hard moves” in Apocalypse World:
- Whenever it’s your turn to talk, make a move.
- Set up your moves dramatically. Build a dramatic rhythm, don’t just always make the meanest move you can think of.
- Sometimes, though, make the meanest move you can think of.
- When someone misses on a basic move, that’s one good time to consider making the meanest move you can think of.
- But follow your dramatic rhythm.
- And remember, whenever it’s your turn to talk, make a move, and you always get to choose which move.
The peripheral moves, battle moves, and character moves all include “on a miss” effects. As MC, you should follow these, of course. But in your thinking about them, place them in the conversation , not in the fiction.
I’m playing a badass gunlugger, you’re the MC.
I’m like, “fuck it, Dremmer’s gang’s dug in down by the generator? The hell they are. They’re, what, small? With mediocre arms and armor? Yeah, fuck them, they can’t even touch me. I’ll seize the generator by force.”
I roll a miss. I’m crowing. “Ha ha fuckers. That’s um 2 harm vs my 2 armor, and I inflict 3 harm +1 for bloodcrazed vs their 1 armor, so I’m taking 0 harm and they’re taking 3? Ha ha. I choose one: I take definite hold of it.”
I turn to look at you. It’s your turn to talk.
The rules require you to admit that yeah, I’ve suffered no harm, inflicted 3, and seized definite control of the generator. They absolutely don’t specify what move you should make, or how mean it should be, now that it’s your turn to talk. That’s always up to you and the dramatic rhythm you’re building.
Mi pare di capire che sì, va fatta una mossa dura con un 6- a Seize by force.